Saturday, February 20, 2010

Pearls for the Chiropractor, Trainer, and Weekend Warrior...

Chiropractor: When treating a patient with a primary subluxation, and a secondary muscle length discrepancy remember these tips for assessment...
1. Isolate the muscle to be tested by positioning the joints the muscle crosses in an alignment to maximally stretch the fibers in the direction they anatomically align.
2. If the muscle crosses two joints, affix either end of the muscle while you move the other attachment away in a super slow manner not to allow for any jerking movements to affect your assessment.
3. Try to get as much feedback from the patient during the muscle length assessment. They are your sensory input.
4. Muscle length restriction can be mistaken for neural tension, and vice versa. Know the difference!
(Thank You Dr. Janda, rest in peace)

Trainer: You cannot warm up your client too much! Especially during the cold winter months.
This includes conditioning apparatus, movement series (dynamic warm up), joint mobility, calisthenics, agility, etc. Take it from an "old bull" who loves to jump into the heavy stuff right off the bat, take the time to warm up the tissues. Use an extended warm up on the next visit, or have the client come in early and post their warm up to be done on their own until you are scheduled to take them. Safety and efficiency. Better than sliced bed!

Weekend Warrior: Don't ignore pain. It is a warning sign that something you are doing is wrong. Get it checked right away by a chiropractic sports physician, before it becomes an every day occurrence. Trust me, little aches are easier to get rid of than 6 years of big aches! To save time for your chiropractor, write down your workouts and the symptoms you had during the specific exercises. This can help determine not only what is wrong with you but also how to fix it and prevent it from coming back again.

Stay Healthy, Listen to Your Body!

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